Online Tutorials

In 2021/22 we will be holding online tuition sessions for groups of twelve Year 10/11 students that are interested in a career in medicine. The sessions will involve:

  • Discussion about what they should consider before they apply to medical school.
  • A medical ethics scenario, in which young people will be asked to consider how they’d have reacted to a real-life situation.
  • A diagnostics scenario, in which young people will be asked to consider how they’d diagnose and treat a patient in A&E.
  • A practising medic discusses three pros and three cons of their job. To watch Dr Liam Hyland speaking about his experiences please click here.
  • The chance to ask questions to a medical student and a doctor.

The sessions last for two hours and a quarter hours, and are typically held between 2pm and 4.15pm. Timings can be adjusted to suit an individual school. The cost of a tuition session is £325 + V.A.T for 12 students.

To view our information sheet for English schools please click here. For Scottish schools please click here. For Northern Ireland schools please click here.
