Event Details
Single School Events
MCS Projects Ltd offer single school Science and Technology Challenge Days. Events can be tailored to the requirements of each individual school. An outline of the costs is as follows…
Full day event – This involves six consecutive sessions which each last for around an hour. Each session involves up to 30 students, and can be chosen from any of our activities. For an information sheet click here – £1,055 + VAT.
Additional sessions run simultaneously – If a school wants to have more than one activity session run simultaneously throughout the day, the cost is £527.50 + V.A.T for each additional session. Further details can be found if you click here.
Mixed School Events
MCS Projects Ltd also arrange mixed school Science & Technology Challenge Days across the country. The overall winning teams from each of these events compete in Challenge Finals. Most recently the Finals have been hosted by the University of Huddersfield, University of Manchester and University of Greenwich.
The cost to send a group of 12 students to an event is £426 + VAT.
Below are the events that are currently planned for 2025. You can expand the sections to see the individual dates and use the map to see at a glance if there are any in your area. Information about the event and a list of participating schools can be downloaded using the individual icons. If you would like your school to participate you can find our details on the contact page.